Benefits of Music Therapy for the Elderly

elderly man playing the guitar

Music therapy is a remedial approach to improving the mental health and wellness state of a person through the use of music, or more specifically, the properties of music. The intervention of music therapy has been proven to be beneficial in many aspects of healthcare including stress management, pain alleviation, communication, and more. Even if the benefits are there, do they apply to all age groups, even the elderly? Well yes, they do.

It Improves Memory

For the elderly, dementia becomes a very real issue that affects their thinking and memorizing abilities. With our memories and senses intertwined with each other, there can still be a recovery of memories even in cases where they become impaired. Songs from the past can act as a strong emotional trigger that could conjure up positive feelings or lead them back to memories that are linked with the song.

It Helps with Treating Depression

With aging, elderly folks are very much prone to depression risk factors such as chronic diseases, reduced mobility, caregiver stress, and loneliness. Music therapy in itself has yet to prove it can stand on its own as a means of treating depression. However, when added on top of more conventional treatments, these depressive disorders and their symptoms can be improved.

Perhaps it is the active engagement that comes with music that makes it all the more meaningful and pleasurable to those affected. At the end of the day, it is an easy way to make someone’s hurting day feel a little better.

elderly man in bed sleeping

It Promotes Better Sleep

A study was done where patients had access to a pillow with small internal speakers built-in. This was not only effective in improving sleep but also in providing a means of further treating patients who struggle with sleeping disorders like insomnia.

It Helps With Pain Management

To give your pain a voice means having an output to express and release both pain and feeling. For a lot of people, the act of being able to express themselves brings them a measure of freedom and relief. Utilizing the medium of music to either sing melodies, do dances, or play an instrument, is all to get these elderly folks engaged with physical activities which are beneficial to managing their pain.

Fosters Communication Skills

Music goes beyond the realm of normal conversation and words. For those who are no longer able to verbalize their thoughts, humming to a tune or melody or tapping their foot according to a beat are all means of communication. While communicating through singing or music may not be the most ordinary way of getting words across, it sure does open up a world of possibilities for those who don’t have it as easy anymore.

elderly man playing the ukulele with a woman clapping along

It Helps Build Connections

With anxiety levels being quite prominent at an older age, it becomes a lot more challenging for the elderly to establish social connections with one another. That said, music has become an excellent channel for doing just that. Music brings people together and is also meant to be shared, granting opportunities to settle down and relax while also taking in the good company that they are surrounded with.

It’s Never Too Late To Start With Music

At Harmony & Pitch, we encourage all age groups to reap the benefits of musical instruments. For adults aged 55 and above, we have lessons that are meticulously crafted in ways to suit our student’s interests and abilities while integrating special exercise and music therapy that helps them improve both practically and holistically. Learn more about Music for Seniors and start today!




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